Colombia Huila



Colombia Huila

Aldemar Sotelo's Huila Castillo is a special example of a true small farm coffee (just 2 hectares), picked and processed by hand. We are thrilled to bring this coffee to our range and support independent farmers.

Jammy and Boozy expect deep notes of cherry that pairs superbly with milk.

Origin: Colombia

Producer: Aldemar Sotelo

Farm: Finca La Esperanza

Region: Huila

Varietal: Castillo

Altitude: 1900 masl

Process: Fully Washed

Harvest Period: Oct - March

Flavour: Jam, Cherry, Boozy

Farmers and Community:

Coffee farming in Huila is overwhelmingly small-scale. Indeed, approximately 80% of producers from the region grow coffee on less than 3 hectares of land. These small farms are tended by individual families with labour only rarely being contracted out, which leads to more thorough and intensive management practices and great pride in the final product – which is, itself, an extension of the family.

Aldemar’s farm is situated in the town of Palestina, an area known for its lush coffee farms and cultural history. The town is ideal for coffee drinkers and offers lovely festivals, charming architecture, and beautiful natural landscapes. A truly welcoming and warm place to visit in Colombia.


During the harvest, Aldemar carefully handpicks the cherries on his farm and brings them to his mill. He lets the cherries ferment for 30 hours to begin the development of sugars in the coffee. After this first fermentation, the cherries are de-pulped to remove the external fruit and fermented once more for 24 hours to breakdown the remaining mucilage. Next, the coffee is washed and evenly dispersed on patios in the open sun to dry until the ideal moisture content is reached. Once dried, the coffee is delivered to the Pergamino dry mill in Medellín to be hulled and prepared for export.


From £8.50

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Fair & Sustainable

Our Coffee

Our coffees are ethically sourced from green coffee buyers who are committed to excellent coffee, excellent standards and paying their farmers an excellent price. We source, roast, blend and pack the coffee ourselves, to ensure that the coffee makes as few journeys as possible once it has left the farm.

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