Our loyal customers are central to everything we do. Not only do we regularly offer exclusive discounts to email subscribers, but our coffee loyalty scheme also means that you receive 5p in credit for every £1 you spend – think of it like a 5% cashback you can use to save on future orders.

To get started, all you need is to have an account with us.

Look for the EMPERKS logo to get started.


    • Number OneLook out for and click the 'Loyalty' button
    • Number TwoClick 'Redeem' and adjust how much you want.
    • Number ThreeA discount code will be created, which can be used in the checkout section.

    Sign up to our loyalty scheme and get 50 loyalty points.

    Place an order and earn 5 Loyalty Points for every £1 spent.

    Follow us on Instagram on earn 100 Loyalty Points.

    Celebrate a birthday and get 200 Loyalty Points.


  1. York Emporium can cancel, withdraw or alter the scheme, including these Terms and Conditions, or any individual Loyalty Points account, at any time.
  2. Loyalty credit is only valid at yorkemporium.co.uk
  3. York Emporium can take any action it considers appropriate if we have reason to believe that you are abusing the scheme or offers.
  4. Use of additional offers and benefits associated with your Loyalty account are subject to availability.
  5. York Emporium will remove credit from Loyalty accounts that have not been used for 3 years.
  6. These terms and conditions are in addition to York Emporium Terms and Conditions.
  7. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988, we do not supply any of your details to a third party, unless you have given York Emporium express permission to do so.
  8. As a statement, these Terms and Conditions do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
  9. Sales on this website are governed by English law and you agree to submit any dispute to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. All orders are subject to these Terms and Conditions, and no amendments will be accepted by us.
  10. Loyalty credit can only be earned on orders placed on our website on or after noon of the 13th March 2014.