Does coffee increase life expectancy?
Does drinking coffee really increase your life expectancy?
My answer would be YES, yes it does. Any excuse to consume all the coffee, right?

When it comes down to fact? I’m not so sure, so let's take a look:
Previous studies have shown coffee can decrease the chances of chronic liver disease, certain cancers and also dementia. This suggests coffee is in fact a benefit to your health. But does it really increase your life expectancy?
Experts in China have been carrying out this study since 2006 who have since found people who drink a moderate amount of coffee (2-4 cups a day) had a lower risk of death over a 7 year period than those who didn’t, this includes those who sweeten their drink with sugar, decaf or even instant.

According to The Guardian this is based on data from over 171,000 participants of the UK Biobank.
UK Biobank is a very large prospective study which aims to provide a resource for the investigation of the genetic, environmental and lifestyle determinants of a wide range of diseases of middle age and later life. (Thanks Google.)
Now, I know I mentioned you can include sugar with your coffee, but unfortunately you can’t drink quite as much. The greatest reduction, a 29% lower risk of death comes from unsweetened coffee, consuming 2-4 cups a day. If you add a sugar to your brew, this is reduced to 1-3. If you use artificial sweeteners, the results are still currently unclear.
So there you have it. Don’t feel bad about reaching your fourth cup of coffee for the day, embrace it!
Based on these findings - we can help increase your life expectancy over at https://yorkemporium.co.uk/collections/coffee where we offer over 30 different coffees from all different origins. (Just don’t drink them all at once, this may be harmful.)
Source: The Guardian, Cosmos Magazine