Nicaragua Las Morenitas Honey



Nicaragua Las Morenitas Honey

Nicaraguan coffees are some of our favourites here at York Coffee Emporium and this is a perfect example of why. Warming milk chocolate is supported by the sweetness of caramel and vanilla with big boozy cherry notes on the finish, the honey process adds depth and character.

Origin: Nicaragua

Producer: Las Nubes

Farm: Various

Region: Matagalpa and Jinotega

Varietal:  Caturra, Marsellesa

Altitude: 1000 - 1250 masl

Process: Honey

Harvest Period: December - March

Flavour: Milk chocolate, vanilla, cherry, caramel

Farmers and Community:

80% of the farm is Caturra, but where Catimor once grew, this has now been replaced with Marsellesa.

Marsellesa is a cross between Hybrido de Timor and Villa Sarchi as part of a pedigree selection process in Nicaragua with an eye to cup quality as well as Rust resistance. It also sits as part of the WCR Verified program.

The workers on the farm itself are paid 35% higher than the market rate as a way to ensure the best pickers come back to work at the farm when harvest is in full swing and are rewarded for their efforts in doing so.


The coffee is picked and processed at the farms own wet mill, before being taken as wet parchment to the dry mill facility in Matagalpa that Las Nubes bought in 2014.

It is here that the drying beds are located, stacked three or four layers high to control temperature and humidity. As the coffee dries it is moved gradually lower and lower in the drying facility until it is ready for dry milling and bagging for export.


From £8.50

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Flavour Notes

Milk Chocolate




Fair & Sustainable

Rainforest Alliance

Working with our partners to create better prices, decent working conditions, a fairer deal for farmers and sustainable farming.

Our Coffee

Our coffees are ethically sourced from green coffee buyers who are committed to excellent coffee, excellent standards and paying their farmers an excellent price. We source, roast, blend and pack the coffee ourselves, to ensure that the coffee makes as few journeys as possible once it has left the farm.

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